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This is a recording of a webinar held on Oct 13th, 2021 hosted by the Humanities Center at Carleton College and Ethical Inquiry at Carleton. The participants are Daniel Groll, Anya Steinberg, Libby Copeland and Samantha Brennan.

Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation, (Oxford University Press 2021) is about the significance (if any) of knowing who your genetic progenitors are and what that means for the practice of gamete donation. I try to show both that we should not attribute profound significance to knowing who our genetic progenitors are and also that prospective parents should not use an anonymous donor. If you’re interested in knowing how I pull that rabbit out of the hat, pick up a copy!

The book is available OPEN ACCESS (which is to say: FOR FREE) from OUP.

Here’s a brief blog post about the ethics of gamete donation I wrote for the Bioethics Center at the University of Minnesota

Here’s an interview I did with Severance Magazine about Conceiving People.

Here are some thoughts on the book by philosopher Brad Skow (MIT).